Monday, August 24, 2009

Grotian-Proscript Hospital Visitors Program Hailed As Success

Sarah Smarter reports great success with the recently implemented Grotian-Proscript Hospital Visitors Program.

Through this program volunteers in all age groups visit a hospitalized patient for at least one hour per week. This program, based at the Proscripts' Edward Jameson Critical Care Center, has seen a growing number of participants each week.

"The cooperation between everyone in our program has been unprecedented," said Smarter who conceived the idea and developed it with her employer, Eleanor Kenny. "We are deeply grateful to the Grotians for their concern for us."

"The faces of the small children brighten visibly when a new playmate shows up, and the doctors think it is speeding the recovery their patients," Smarter added.

Dr. Grant Thomas, son of the retired Surgeon General Phillip Thomas, spoke of one miracle he witnessed when Grotian Elbert Rhoads held the hand of his patient Louis W. Graham, who was critically ill with heart failure. "When Mr. Rhoads came into the room and held my patient's hand and spoke encouraging words to him, the color slowly began to return to his cheeks, and I believe a tragedy was averted."

If you would like to be added to the volunteer roster, please contact Mrs. Smarter via the Hospital's Community Service telephone number.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, let us all celebrate that Grotian children help Proscripts to feel better.

    When was the last time a Grotian child was admitted to a Proscript hospital? Perhaps now that Louis has recovered, he will come down to the tunnels and visit a Grotian child with the same condition he has overcome, and see what kind of medical attention the Grotians receive.

    Like so many things, this is a "success" only for the Proscripts.
